Nose Dive : A Book for The Creative Seeking Potential Through Their Noses
Author Catherine Haley Epstein
Publication Date 2019
Publisher Lyons Press
Description Adventures for your nose in art, anthropology, and science, the book Nose Dive is a broad introduction to olfactory culture meant for artists or anyone curious about the power of scent. Something is in the air with respect to our most powerful and least regarded sense. This book demystifies the world of scent, provides springboards for further study, and presents exercises for shifting gears with your nose. A must-read for anyone intrigued by the superpower right under our noses.
“…..every conservative in the fragrance industry should read it (but they won’t get it) and any newcomer into the industry should read it read and apply that is…” - Christophe Laudamiel
“Reading Nose Dive is an absolute must for anyone of us who’s wanted to dive deeper than merely smelling nice by spraying something beautiful, deeper still than having a particular memory connected to smell….Along with theoretical discussions, pondering on her own years of research and development, Epstein also offers some practical exercises for those interested in making their own fragrances, or things to think about, study and and enjoy in your own time.” - UK-based Perfume Society
“Required reading: Nose Dive by @mindmarrow - this is a fabulous compedia on olfaction for anyone, especially artists, writers, anyone intellectually curious and of course, fumeheads. Not only is it well-researched, Catherine’s manifesto on scent enlightens those who tend to experience life through their other senses. For any perfumer who has had to explain their work to the uninitiated, this book covers olfaction at large and lifts the lid on the topic of perfume and lets the subject matter breathe a bit more and waft into our imagination and leave a sillage of what is possible. “ - Yosh Han, veteran indie perfumer
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