Narcissus in Perfumery • Nez + LMR
Authors Éléonore de Bonneval, Mathilde Cocoual, Olivier R.P. David, Jeanne Doré, Anne-Sophie Hojlo, Clara Muller & Delphine de Swardt
Publication Date April 2019
Description Its name comes from the Greek narkè, meaning numbing, and no other description could better define this plant with narcotic power. The narcissus is the very picture of delicacy; its fragrance is anything but. In the field, it exudes a heady odor resembling jasmine and ylang-ylang. Its striking character is best expressed when the flower is processed into an absolute. In this form, it is a motley vixen – at once green, spicy, white floral, hay-like, honeyed and animalic.
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